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Hello everyone, I’ve decided to create a Discord channel dedicated to Helbreath resources, files, fixes, codes, and everything related to server setup and configuration… Since there are literally no websites for developers anymore, Reddit is dead, the websites have gone down, etc., and with the intention of preserving this game and keeping it active, I’ve decided to create a Discord channel… It has downloads, codes, resources, and everything needed. Feel free to join, take a look around, and if you’d like, share your knowledge with the community! ---------------------- Buenas chicos, he decidido crear un canal de discord dedicado a Helbreath recursos archivos arreglos, codigos, y todo lo que tenga que ver con el levantado de servidor y su configuracion... Dado que ya literalmente no hay webs para desarolladores, Reddit esta muerto, las webs se cayeron, etc, y con la intencion de preservar este juego y que pueda seguir activo he decidido crear un canal de discord... Tiene descargas, codigos, recursos y todo lo que hace falta. Si lo desean pueden entrar y darse una vueltita y si quieren compartir algo de su sabiduria a la comunidad!
Un especial agradecimiento por el aporte a JcCentu. No olviden darse una vuelta por nuestro discord con todo sobre Helbreath Sources 2025 Y si lo desean pueden hacer sus aportes y unirse a discuciones sobre HB Sources. Muchas gracias. ---------- ME GUSTARIA COMPARTIR CON USTEDES UNOS SOURCES BASE QUE ESTUVE ARMANDO. ---------- Links actualizados a 2025 Helbreath Server ByCentuu800x600 Full Client 3.72 Me tome la libertad de empezar de 0 a migrar unos sources default a nueva resolucion y compatibilidad con windows 10/11, están conformados por un HGServer 2.24b (thx to u/Nagusaran), un Cliente 3.82 ya conocido por la comunidad (el del icono verde) y unos Files 3.51 (con los ejecutables originales Gate+Main+World). // Nota: Por el momento sólo tengo dichos ejecutables ya que no conseguí los sources del Main+World como para armar un único ejecutable, quizas en un próximo update lo integre al repositorio. Esto está pensado para que cada uno sea libre y pueda empezar a montar su propio servidor, o tenga ganas de jugar con amigos y que dentro de todo funcione como se espera (puede tener algún que otro bug, no están 100% todo arreglado, pero es funcional). Dentro del mismo repositorio encontrarán el installer original del HbUSA 3.72 para jugar En la carpeta Files/GameServers está un ejecutable compilado del HGServer para aquellos que no saben programación o no tienen el Visual Studio instalado, ya les dejé compilado un .exe para utilizar y levantar. Lo mismo con el cliente, dentro de la carpeta Client/Release encontrarán un ejecutable ya compilado. (IMPORTANTE: utilizar el Login.cfg en la carpeta Client y copiarlo a la carpeta CONTENTS cuando vayan a jugar) // Nota 2: Estos sources se migraron a Visual Studio 2022. Espero les sirva, y cualquier duda que tengan me pueden contactar sin problemas. Saludos! Tags: Helbreath, HB, Argentina, Cursed, Olympia, Sources, mmorpg, 2d, directdraw, C++, Nemesis, USA, Korea, 헬브레스, (에이치비), 소스, 파일
Helbrath Cursed Files/Sources 2025 by HeatoN! UN ESPECIAL AGRADECIMIENTO A HeatoN Ya que el me facilito los sources con la siguiente premisa: La gente necesita tener files actualizados para poder trabajar en ellos. Nosotros los Devs tenemos la responsabilidad y conocimientos para sentar las bases de un nuevo futuro para este bellisimo juego. De aqui pueden surgir proyectos maravillosos. Por eso dejo a disposicion mis Sources, para que la gente pueda probar y experimentar a gusto con mis Files. Material subido al servidor de discord Helbreath Sources, Codes, Fixes, Files 2025 NUEVO LANZAMIENTO 2025 HELBREATH CURSED V1.0 (BASE HB ARGENTINA) Actualizado a finales de 2024. Features: *Sistema Rebirth activo *Mejoras a motor grafico *Miles de opciones customizables *Panel Config Ctrl P *Windows Mode *Ctrl + E Sistema Enchant Item (Romper y obtener frag) *Muchos codigos nuevos *Con bugs extremadamente escasos *optimizado para funcionar en cualquier S.O. *Panel de Guild *Item description en el piso Y muchas cosas mas... Se compila con VS2013 (Asegurense de tener todas las librerias y archivos necesarios) Comandos de GM: /qwepo (Activar comandos GM) /ci (createitem) (Los demas comandos busquenlos dentro del codigo) Link alternativo Drive: CREDITOS A QUIEN CORRESPONDA POR LAS MODIFICACIONES DEL CODIGO. Tags: Helbreath, HB, Argentina, Cursed, Olympia, Sources, mmorpg, 2d, directdraw, C++, Nemesis, USA, Korea, 헬브레스, (에이치비), 소스, 파일
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unbanned_00001 started following Sources: 456.6 mb
Version 1.0.0
Helbrath Cursed Files/Sources 2025 by HeatoN! UN ESPECIAL AGRADECIMIENTO A HeatoN Ya que el me facilito los sources con la siguiente premisa: La gente necesita tener files actualizados para poder trabajar en ellos. Nosotros los Devs tenemos la responsabilidad y conocimientos para sentar las bases de un nuevo futuro para este bellisimo juego. De aqui pueden surgir proyectos maravillosos. Por eso dejo a disposicion mis Sources, para que la gente pueda probar y experimentar a gusto con mis Files. Material subido al servidor de discord Helbreath Sources, Codes, Fixes, Files 2025 NUEVO LANZAMIENTO 2025 HELBREATH CURSED V1.0 (BASE HB ARGENTINA) Actualizado a finales de 2024. Features: *Sistema Rebirth activo *Mejoras a motor grafico *Miles de opciones customizables *Panel Config Ctrl P *Windows Mode *Ctrl + E Sistema Enchant Item (Romper y obtener frag) *Muchos codigos nuevos *Con bugs extremadamente escasos *optimizado para funcionar en cualquier S.O. *Panel de Guild *Item description en el piso Y muchas cosas mas... Se compila con VS2013 (Asegurense de tener todas las librerias y archivos necesarios) Comandos de GM: /qwepo (Activar comandos GM) /ci (createitem) (Los demas comandos busquenlos dentro del codigo) Link alternativo Drive: CREDITOS A QUIEN CORRESPONDA POR LAS MODIFICACIONES DEL CODIGO. Tags: Helbreath, HB, Argentina, Cursed, Olympia, Sources, mmorpg, 2d, directdraw, C++, Nemesis, USA, Korea, 헬브레스, (에이치비), 소스, 파일 -
Sharon changed their profile photo
Looking for a 3D artist to reconstruct all the models in game into 3D models to redo all of the 2D animations and permit the addition of new items with proper animations. Looking for a music artist to redo the base songs into much higher quality versions. Looking to get them as 1:1 as possible. Inquire via DMs or on discord. Both are paid projects.
Emanuel started following New Helbreath 3D Project - Helbreath: Reigns of Middleland
Hello fellow HB players, I'm here to present you the project I'll be working on but first I'd like to introduce myself. About me: Back in last October 2023 I initiated a move in some forums and discords to see the reaction of the community in a new Helbreath 3D project, here's the link if you want to check it out, but haven't got too much response to be honest. Due to some changing life situations I had to disappear for sometime, but I'm back at it with a lot of strength and energy! My name's Emanuel and used to played Helbreath back in 2004 up to 2008, where vanilla HB was still a thing. Currently I work as a backend developer for an important digital bank App, also have experience in Android development and Unity. One of the reasons I became a developer was because of Helbreath, I started learning basic coding when I was a kid thanks to playing around with servers sources files and got hooked to it since then. What's this project? It's a project where I'll be recreating Helbreath in 3D basically in a new engine, which it's Unity's engine. Recreating a game of this magnitude requires a lot of time, dedication and patience. The idea is to start from a vanilla Helbreath with brand new features and QoL from today's MMOs. Maintain the good things that we had, improve the things that fall behind and add new ones. From there, evolve. Helbreath: Reigns of Middleland Open world map, same structure and being more direct by having less useless maps such as farms and used maps. What made Helbreath addicted was the open world PvP, open world hunting and fast phased gameplay. Features Bosses mechanics Looking for group system Builds armory Auction House Event Store Mounts & pets Simple quests for learning the game & Achievements system Events Crusades can't be missed! Stake challenges, chance to challenge and duel another player by betting and item or items. 3v3 arena with seasons and ranking system Deathmatch, weekly event, last survivor wins the reward is only event points to trade in the event store for cosmetics, dyes etc. Infinite towers, fighting waves of monsters in an arena the reward is only event points to trade in the event store for cosmetics, dyes etc. Instantiated dungeons from 4 to 8 players nightmare mode compared to open world Improvements Magics, remember when a warrior can only attack and the animation was the same thing over and over and had a lot of disadvantage against mages. That's over. The way to learn magic skills is going to be through a five point star node, where each main node corresponds to a player attribute. Magics can be learned by spending attribute points in their respective nodes. Manufacturing, Crafting, Alchemy, Fishing, Mining, Farming These things became useless overtime, bringing it back with sense. We're going to have only Crafting where we can create weapons, armors, necklaces, rings & potions such as temporary or single use, like experience potions, increased movement speed etc. We can upgrade items from the crafting system Extracting a secondary stat from an item will be possible and adding it to another item. Fishing, mining and farming will be useful and necessary since we need materials for all the described before. Weapon's skills were also dead overtime and didn't had any utility in any server, so we're going to give it a twist as Weapon specializations. and more... that you can check out in the discord. Who's involved? This won't be a solo project, I'll have the backup of my wife who is a graphic & UX/UI designer and a friend who's also graphic & 3d designer. They will help me through this process. I'm open to hear anyone who wants to help in any kind or get involved on the project, but to be honest I'm going to be selective. For ideas and suggestions you have the discord link below where you can share anything and we can have a chat! I want to clarify that I don't have any priority on gaining profits from this project. I don't need money, I already have my job and speaking in other words I'll lose money because of investing in it, but I don't care this is my hobby my passion. How is the project going to be approached? Communication is first. Community first, I want what they want, what they suggest. If something doesn't work, let's change it together. Studying today's MMOs and projects that tried to recreate Helbreath, learn from the good and bad approaches. Investing in assets to save time and facilitate the project's roadmap, here's an interesting related article if you wanna check it out and here's an example of assets that are going to be invested or have been invested already: ~Top down city~ ~Top down caves~ ~Top down graveyard~ ~Top down dungeons~ ~Top down dungeons 2~ ~Top down desert~ ~RPG Mechanim Animations pack~ ~Fantasy creatures Ultimate pack~ Investing in marketing to improve the project visibility Investing in freelance services from platforms such as Fiverr Professionalism and well cared identity Recreating from zero 3D models of iconic weapons, armors and props. Well organized project and agile development. Sprints of 2 weeks. Where is the project starting from? As I said before, there's a lot of time that can be saved by using assets like buildings, weapons, armors, etc. Recreating the game doesn't mean to be exactly the same, there has to be a new fresh air, similarly to what we had but the core has to be the same. So not everything in terms of graphics is going to be the same, but imagine that it's Helbreath 2. In terms of development, here's a list of where we starting from, the base of an MMO, this is all done: [Networking] Login, Character Selection & Creation [Networking] Gameplay Core, connecting, interacting etc. [Networking] Simple Chat system [Networking] Database system [Mechanic] Simple Level system [Feature] Simple Party system [Feature] Simple Guild system [Mechanic] Simple Monsters movement & behaviour [Mechanic] Simple Magic system [Mechanic] Player movement [Mechanic] Simple Item system [Mechanic] Simple Equipment system [Feature] Simple Quest system [Feature] Simple Crafting System [Events] PvE - Simple Instanced dungeons system [Mechanic] Simple Combat system [Feature] Simple Pets & mounts system [Feature] Simple NPC System a couple more... What's the aspect of the game? Gyazo Link Last words Happy to share this and learning from the process. Projects of this magnitude tend to fail... but here's a famous quote that if I'm not wrong it's from Abraham Lincoln. Join me in this adventure, you can find more detailed information on: Discord